
100% Employment Across 4 Years.

Mike Rowe Job Skills Gap Interview

For years, through educational institutions, administrators, and lobbyists who have pushed the four-year degree paths upon every student and have downgraded the need for training in a skilled trade which has led to over 1.3 trillion in unpaid student debt loans, while high paying jobs ranging from $40,000-$100,000+ remain unfilled.

Television host Mike Rowe explained Wednesday on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” the importance of fixing the “skills gap” in America.

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Apprenticeship Training, Education and Employment Opportunities

Click to learn more about the high demand for machinists and expected wages while attending the Kentuckiana Machining Association (KMA). The two students that are in the video were students that attended and graduated KMA program. Read the article in its entirety to gain more information on apprenticeship training and its benefits for a career in the machinist, toolmaker, and skilled trades.

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Registered Apprenticeship programs are increasingly popular as one of the ways and cover more occupations than most people think, said Mike Donta, deputy commissioner with the Kentucky Labor Cabinet. In fact, there are more than 1,200 occupations that the federal government recognizes as being apprenticeable occupations. Click to read the full article on Apprenticeship – The Other Four Year Degree.